Permission Set Creator

The CapStorm Permission Set Creator tool allows you to configure a permission set that has read access (and optionally write access), create or update the Permission Set in Salesforce, and automatically assign it to the CopyStorm Salesforce user.

Create a CapStorm Permission Set

To access this tool, go to the “Other Tools” menu in the top-left menu bar of CopyStorm:

A pop-up window will appear allowing you to configure and invoke the tool:

  • Provide a label and API name for the permission set.
    • If a permission set with the same API name is already present in Salesforce, the existing permission set will be updated.
  • Decide whether or not to include edit access in addition to read access for all included objects
  • Choose to automatically assign the created permission set to the CopyStorm Salesforce User.
    • The CopyStorm Salesforce User is the Salesforce User on the “Main” tab of CopyStorm.
  • Choose the source of the metadata that will be used to create the permission set.
    • Salesforce: CopyStorm will query the metadata API for a list of all available objects that can be included.
    • CopyStorm: CopyStorm will query the CopyStorm database (specified on the right-hand side of the Main tab of CopyStorm) metadata backup for a list of available objects that can be included (for this option, you will first need to have a backup of your Salesforce metadata created by CopyStorm).

  • Navigate to the Select Tables tab.
  • Select the objects that will be included in the permission set. Read permissions (and optionally write/edit permissions) will be granted for these objects as part of the deployment.

  • Click the Deploy button to deploy the permission set to Salesforce.
  • Navigate to the Deploy Status tab to view the deployment logs and status.