CopyStorm 10.56.10

Release Date: 12-Jan-2024

This is a  minor feature and bug fix release. As always, existing CopyStorm configuration files are backwards compatible.

Patch Levels

12-Jan-2024 Original Release

Add Support for CopyStorm Table Partitions

CopyStorm has been updated to support CopyStorm Table Partitions created by the CopyStorm/Medic Partition Editor tool. This feature enables database partitioning, needed if the number of fields in one or more Salesforce objects is close to exceeding the number of columns supported by your target database. After Partitions are created using CopyStorm/Medic, CopyStorm will automatically insert and update records in the correct partition(s).

Add Permission Set Creator Tool

This release introduces the “Permission Set Creator” – a new feature to create and maintain a complete Salesforce backup by ensuring that the Salesforce user has access to read all Salesforce objects and fields.

This is a feature beta with access available upon request.

Update Job History Tables to be Color-Coded

The “History” tab has been updated to make it easier to identify problem CopyStorm jobs – in-progress jobs do not have a color, successful jobs are green, and if a job has any Exceptions, then it is colored red.

Introduce Container Deployment

CopyStorm can now be deployed as a Docker container which includes core CapStorm applications and functionality via a web server. Reference CapStorm/Container documentation for additional information, or schedule some time with our team to hear more!