Database Reset

The Database Reset Configuration Editor is used to delete and rebuild portions of the CopyStorm database.

Options within the Database Reset Configuration Editor are only used in specific circumstances and should not be left enabled as part of normal backups.

Parameter Name Default Setting Required Description
Force Truncate Unchecked No If checked, CopyStorm will truncate all data from each table and start the backup of records from scratch.
Force Rebuild Unchecked No If checked, CopyStorm will drop each table and rebuild it from scratch.
Keep Deleted Columns Unchecked No If checked, CopyStorm will retain a column in the target database if it has been dropped in Salesforce. By default CopyStorm will drop a column in the target database if it is dropped in Salesforce.
Rebuild on DML Errors Unchecked No If checked, CopyStorm will drop and rebuild a table if an ALTER statement on the table causes a DML exception.