CopyStorm 10.56.7

Release Date: 15-Sept-2023

This is a  minor feature and bug fix release. As always, existing CopyStorm configuration files are backwards compatible.

Patch Levels

15-Sept-2023 Original Release

Increase Metadata Backup Name Length

This release increases the maximum metadata name length that can be stored in the database – allowing metadata items with longer names to be copied.

The updated maximum value of the “fullName” field on the SFMetaFileProperties and SFMetaFilePropertiesHistory tables is:

  • 255 on MySQL
  • 400 on other database types.

The updated maximum value of the “fileName” field on the SFMetaFileProperties and SFMetaFilePropertiesHistory tables is:

  • 500

Add XML Configuration to enable All-Caps schema generation

An XML configuration parameter has been added for CopyStorm to create database table and field names in all-caps, instead of mirroring Salesforce’s capitalization. This change does not impact existing databases, and the default continues to be mirroring Salesforce’s API Name capitalization.

Add XML Configuration to remove Table & Column postfixes

An XML configuration parameter has been added for CopyStorm to remove text from the end of API names in the database – this can be used to remove the “__c” from custom objects and fields, the “__b” from big objects, etc… This change does not impact existing databases, and the default continues to be mirroring Salesforce’s API names exactly as provided via the Salesforce API.

Resolve Snapshot issue for certain characters on Oracle and PostgreSQL

This update works around issues in certain Oracle and PostgreSQL database configurations which could cause fields containing a Vertical Tab (ASCII Character code 11) to fail to write to the snapshot.

Resolve SQL/Server Index Caching performance issue

Resolve a performance issue in SQL/Server that could cause schema updates to take excess memory and CPU.

Resolve issue preventing the “Edit” button for Field History from being enabled

Resolve a UI issue that could prevent the “Edit” button for CopyStorm Field History configuration from being enabled properly.