CopyStorm 10.56.5

Release Date: 30-May-2023

This is a  minor feature and bug fix release. As always, existing CopyStorm configuration files are backwards compatible.

Patch Levels

30-May-2023 Original Release

Update SOQL Runner to Support Reading Deleted & Archived Records

The SOQL Runner tool now has a checkbox to enable querying for deleted and archived records.

Add Option to Log Copy Status for Object with Zero Records Copied

CopyStorm job logging now supports recording information in the CopyStorm job log for objects that have no changes as part of the incremental copy.

To enable this feature, check the Log Tables With No Activity checkbox on the Configuration tab.

Add Option to Change the Staging Location for Snowflake CSV Uploads

CSV files uploaded as part of Snowflake replication can be uploaded to a provided path – to specify the path, add a Snowflake.xml configuration file containing the path.