Does the CopyStorm Database Have Logging Tables?

Each time CopyStorm runs it records a variety of data into tables in the CopyStorm database:

  • A summary of records written to the database and any exceptions.
    • The content and structure of the tables will be familiar because they mimic what is displayed as progress within the CopyStorm GUI.
  • Changes to field values (see CopyForceFieldHistory in this article).
  • DDL statements (e.g. ALTER TABLE) that were issued against the CopyStorm database.

CopyStorm database logging tables were introduced starting with the 7.*.* version of CopyStorm.

The following tables are used for logging:

Table Name Description
CopyForceJob Contains a single record for each time CopyStorm runs.
CopyForceJobTable Contains a single record for each table modified in a CopyStorm run.
CopyForceJobException Contains a record of each exception (problem) encountered during a CopyStorm run.
CopyForceDDLLog Contains a record of all DDL type statements issued against the database.
CopyForceFieldHistory If field history tracking is enabled, this table will record the old and new value each time a field changes (except on record insert).
CopyForceMedicJob Contains a single record for every time a CopyStorm/Medic job runs.
CopyForceMedicJobException Contains a record of each exception (problem) encountered during a CopyStorm/Medic run.

These logging tables are created automatically by CopyStorm. The only changes that should ever be performed by a customer is the deletion of log records — this should be done using CopyStorm/Medic.

The simplest way to view and manage CopyStorm log data is often the Log Manager tool in CopyStorm/Medic.

The remainder of this article describes the column structure for each table.


The CopyForceJob table contains one record for each time CopyStorm successfully connects to Salesforce, connects to the target database, and starts a copy.

The table contains these columns:

Column Name Data Type Description
jobId integer Unique ID for this job. This value is the job’s primary key.
startTime timestamp The time when the job started. Note that this time will be slightly after the start of the CopyStorm executable because it takes a few seconds for CopyStorm to initialize and connect to its data sources.
endTime timestamp The time when the job completed. This time is updated as each table finishes and after the entire job completes.
nCopied integer The total number of records copied to the target database.
nImagesCopied integer The total number of image records copied to the target database.
nImagesRead integer The total number of image records read from the target Salesforce Org.
nDeleted integer The total number of records deleted from the target database in accordance of the configured retention policies.
nFieldHistory integer The total number of field history records inserted into the target database.
nArchived integer The total number of record snapshots inserted into the target database via the Snapshot feature.
nTransactions integer The number of Salesforce transactions used during the run.
nExceptions integer The number of exceptions encountered during the run. If this value is non-zero then details for each exception will be recorded in the CopyStormJobException table.
configFileName string The base name of the CopyStorm configuration file used for the run. This value will be NULL if there was no active configuration file.
configFileDir string The directory containing the CopyStorm configuration file used for the run.
copyStormVersion string The version of CopyStorm that created the log record (e.g. 7.34.1).
copyStormDir string The directory in which CopyStorm was installed when the job ran.
elapsedTime float The total number of seconds taken by the job to run.
processId integer The system process id for the CopyStorm process.


The CopyForceJobTable table contains one record for each table that was modified during a CopyStorm run.

The table contains these columns:

Column Name Data Type Description
jobId integer The unique ID of the job that modified the table.
tableName string The Salesforce name of the modified table.
startTime timestamp The time when CopyStorm started processing the table.
endTime timestamp The time when CopyStorm finished processing the table.
startTimestamp timestamp The timestamp of the first record copied from Salesforce when CopyStorm started processing the table.
endTimestamp timestamp The timestamp of the last record read from Salesforce when CopyStorm finished processing the table.
nRead integer The total number of records read from Salesforce.
nCopied integer The number of records inserted or updated in the CopyStorm database.
nSkipped integer The number of records read from Salesforce and skipped because they were already up to date in the CopyStorm database.
nDeleted integer The number of records deleted from the CopyStorm database.
nImagesCopied integer The total number of image records copied to the target database table.
nImagesRead integer The total number of image records read from the target Salesforce Org.
nFieldHistory integer The total number of field history records inserted into the target database for this table.
nArchived integer The total number of record snapshots inserted into the target database for this table via the Snapshot feature.
nPerMinute integer The average number of records processed per minute.
elapsedTime float The total number of seconds used to process the table.
startSize integer The size of the table in bytes when CopyStorm started processing the table.
endSize integer The size of the table in bytes when CopyStorm finished processing the table.


The CopyForceJobException table contains one record for each exception that occurred during a CopyStorm run.

The table contains these columns:

Column Name Data Type Description
jobId integer The unique ID of the job where the exception occurred.
exceptionId string Order in which the exception occurred (starting at 0).
tableName string The name of the table being processed when the exception occurred.
message string A short message describing the exception.
traceback string The full traceback from the exception.
exceptionTime timestamp The time when the exception occurred.


The CopyForceDDLLog table contains a record of each DDL statement ran against the CopyStorm database.

The table contains these columns:

Column Name Data Type Description
tableName string The name of the table addressed by the DDL statement.
command string The full DDL command.
traceback string If the DDL command failed, this field contains the full traceback from CopyStorm.
applyDate timestamp The date on which the DDL was executed.


The CopyForceFieldHistory table records changes to field value. This table will be empty unless field history tracking is explicitly enabled.

History records will be maintained even if the referenced table / field is modified or deleted in Salesforce.

The table contains these columns:

Column Name Data Type Description
id string The unique Salesforce record ID of the record that was the source of the data.
tableName string The Salesforce API table name.
fieldName string The Salesforce API field name.
oldValue string The value of the field before it was updated.
newValue string The updated value of the field.
lastModifiedById string The unique Salesforce ID of the User that last modified the record.
lastModifiedDate timestamp The date on which the record was last modified.
createdDate timestamp The date on which the history record was created.

CopyForceMedicJob Table

The CopyForceMedicJob table contains one record for each time a CopyStorm/Medic job runs.

The table contains these columns:

Column Name Data Type Description
jobId integer The unique ID of the job.
startTime timestamp The time when the CopyStorm/Medic job started.
endTime timestamp The time when the CopyStorm/Medic job finished.
elapsedTime float The total number of seconds that the job ran.
nTransactions integer The number of Salesforce transactions used by the job.
nExceptions integer The number of Exceptions (problems) reported by the job.
configFileName string The name of the configuration file used to start the job.
configFileDir string The path to the configuration file used to start the job.
medicVersion string The CopyStorm/Medic application version.
processId integer The system process id for the CopyStorm/Medic process.
toolName string The medic tool ran by the job. This corresponds to the value provided on the -tool command line switch.
status string The job status – one of Pending, Running, Cancelled, Finished, or Error.
output CLOB The job’s output. The format of this field will depend on the type of job that was ran.


The CopyForceMedicJobException table contains one record for each exception that occurred during a CopyStorm/Medic run.

The table contains these columns:

Column Name Data Type Description
jobId integer The unique ID of the job where the exception occurred.
exceptionId integer Order in which the exception occurred (starting at 0).
message string A short message describing the exception.
traceback string The full traceback from the exception.
exceptionTime timestamp The time when the exception occurred.