Configure a Connected App for CapStorm Salesforce Integration

To ensure seamless integration between CapStorm and Salesforce, you’ll need to configure a Salesforce Connected App.

This setup enables CapStorm to access Salesforce APIs and retrieve necessary data.

This guide walks you through the steps to configure a Connected App

and use it to see exact API responses from Salesforce, particularly for support purposes.

Configure a Connected App for CapStorm Salesforce Integration

  1. Log in to Salesforce with an administrator account.
  2. Navigate to the Setup Menu:
    • Click on the gear icon (⚙️) in the upper right corner.
    • Select Setup.
  3. Search for “App Manager” in the Quick Find box.
  4. Create a New Connected App:
    • Click New Connected App.
  5. Fill in the Connected App Details:
    • Connected App Name: Enter a descriptive name (e.g., “CapStorm Integration”).
    • API Name: This will auto-fill based on the name you enter.
    • Contact Email: Enter a valid email address for contact.
  6. Configure OAuth Settings:
    • Check the Enable OAuth Settings box.
    • Callback URL: Enter https://localhost/callback (adjust based on your environment if needed).
    • OAuth Scopes: Select the appropriate scopes. For CapStorm, you’ll likely need:
      • Full Access (full)
      • Perform requests on your behalf at any time (refresh_token, offline_access)
  7. Save the Connected App:
    • Click Save.
    • After saving, you’ll be redirected to the Connected App’s detail page where you can find the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret.
      • Make a note of these credentials.
  8. Configure Additional Settings:
    • In the API (Enable OAuth Settings) section, adjust any additional settings as needed.

Step 2: Configure CapStorm User to Integrate with Postman

  1. Open Postman and create a new collection named “CapStorm Connected App”.
  2. Configure the Collection for OAuth 2.0:
    • Click on the collection name.
    • Go to the Authorization tab.
    • Set the Type to OAuth 2.0.
    • Scroll Down to  Configure New Token.
  3. Enter Token Request Details:
    • Token Name: Enter a descriptive name (e.g., “CapStorm Token”).
    • Grant Type: Set to Password Credentials.
    • Access Token URL:
      • For Salesforce sandbox:
      • For Salesforce production:
    • Client ID: Enter the Consumer Key from your Connected App.
    • Client Secret: Enter the Consumer Secret from your Connected App.
    • Username: Enter your Salesforce username.
    • Password: Enter your Salesforce password followed by your security token.
    • Client Authentication: Select Send client credentials in body.
  4. Save and Obtain the Access Token:
    • Click Request Token to obtain an access token.
    • Once successful, click Use Token to apply it to your collection.
  5. Test API Endpoints:
    • Use the access token to make API requests in Postman.
    • Verify that the requests are successful and review the responses.
    • Example ContentVersion Endpoint
  6. Troubleshoot Common Issues:
    • Invalid Grant: Verify that the username, password, and security token are correctly concatenated.
    • Invalid Client ID: Ensure that the client_id and client_secret match those from the Connected App.

Additional Configuration Options

  1. Enable OAuth Scopes: Ensure that all necessary OAuth scopes are enabled to provide CapStorm with the required permissions.
  2. Callback URL: Adjust the callback URL based on your specific environment or testing setup.
  3. Security Settings: If you encounter authentication issues, check the security settings and ensure that IP restrictions are configured correctly.