CopyStorm Dashboard
The Salesforce Job Logging subsystem allows CopyStorm to log job information to the Salesforce CopyStorm Dashboard. This information includes job status, progress, and history.
The information that is logged is the same information that can be found in the CopyStorm Logging Tables. The package that must be deployed to Salesforce as part of the installation and configuration process includes 3 custom objects, a Permission Set, a Lightning application, a dashboard, and some sample/starter reports. The custom objects and the Permission Set are required for the Salesforce Job Logging subsystem to function. The out-of-the-box fields of the custom objects should be treated as read-only, but additional customization is welcomed.
- Custom Objects
- CopyStorm Job
- CopyStorm Job Table
- CopyStorm Exception
- Permission Set
- CopyStorm JobĀ Logging
- Lightning Application
- CapStorm
- Dashboard
- CopyStorm
Custom Objects
The Salesforce Job Logging subsystem will create records in each of the following objects when running a CopyStorm backup job. A reference is included for each object and its fields.
CopyStorm Job
API Name: CapStorm_CopyStorm_Job__c
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
CopyStorm_Job_Id__c | Number(18, 0) | Unique ID for this job assigned by CopyStorm. |
StartTime__c | Date/Time | The time when the job started. Note that this time will be slightly after the start of the CopyStorm executable because it takes a few seconds for CopyStorm to initialize and connect to its data sources. |
EndTime__c | Date/Time | The time when the job completed. |
Transactions__c | Number(18, 0) | The number of Salesforce transactions – API Calls – used during the run (not including logging transactions). |
Transactions_per_min__c | Formula (Number) | The number of Salesforce transactions – API Calls – per minute used during the run (not including logging transactions). |
ExceptionCount__c | Roll-Up Summary (COUNT CopyStorm Exception) | The number of exceptions encountered during the run. If this value is non-zero then details for each exception will be recorded in the CopyStorm Job Exception object. |
CopyStormConfigFileName__c | Text(255) | The base name of the CopyStorm configuration file used for the run. |
CopyStormConfigFilePath__c | Long Text Area(32768) | The file path of the CopyStorm configuration file used for the run. |
CopyStormVersion__c | Text(25) | The version of CopyStorm used for the run (e.g. 10.54.3). |
CopyStormDirectory__c | Long Text Area(32768) | The directory in which CopyStorm was installed when the job ran. |
ElapsedTime__c | Formula (Text) | The time taken by the job to run. |
RecordsCopied__c | Roll-Up Summary (SUM CopyStorm Job Table) | The total number of records copied to the target database. |
RecordsDeleted__c | Roll-Up Summary (SUM CopyStorm Job Table) | The total number of records deleted from the target database. |
RecordsSkipped__c | Roll-Up Summary (SUM CopyStorm Job Table) | The total number of records skipped during the run. |
RecordsArchived__c | Roll-Up Summary (SUM CopyStorm Job Table) | The total number of records archived (Snapshot) during the run. |
FieldHistory__c | Roll-Up Summary (SUM CopyStorm Job Table) | The total number of field history records created during the run. |
ImagesCopied__c | Roll-Up Summary (SUM CopyStorm Job Table) | The total number of images copied during the run. |
ImagesRead__c | Roll-Up Summary (SUM CopyStorm Job Table) | The total number of images read during the run. |
CopyStorm Job Table
API Name: CapStorm_CopyStorm_Job_Table__c
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
CopyStormJob__c | Master-Detail(CopyStorm Job) | Reference to the CopyStorm Job record for this table. |
Name | Text(80) | The name of the table/object. |
StartTime__c | Date/Time | The time when CopyStorm began processing the table. |
EndTime__c | Date/Time | The time when CopyStorm finished processing the table. |
ElapsedTime__c | Formula (Text) | The time taken to process the table. |
RecordsCopied__c | Roll-Up Summary (SUM CopyStorm Job Table) | The total number of records copied to the target database table. |
RecordsDeleted__c | Roll-Up Summary (SUM CopyStorm Job Table) | The total number of records deleted from the target database table. |
RecordsSkipped__c | Roll-Up Summary (SUM CopyStorm Job Table) | The total number of records skipped for this table during the run. |
RecordsArchived__c | Roll-Up Summary (SUM CopyStorm Job Table) | The total number of records archived (Snapshot) for this table during the run. |
FieldHistory__c | Roll-Up Summary (SUM CopyStorm Job Table) | The total number of field history records created for this table during the run. |
ImagesCopied__c | Roll-Up Summary (SUM CopyStorm Job Table) | The total number of images copied for this table during the run. |
ImagesRead__c | Roll-Up Summary (SUM CopyStorm Job Table) | The total number of images read for this table during the run. |
CopyStorm Exception
API Name: CapStorm_CopyStorm_Exception__c
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
CopyStormJob__c | Master-Detail(CopyStorm Job) | Reference to the CopyStorm Job record for this exception. |
CopyStormJobTable__c | Master-Detail(CopyStorm Job) | Reference to the CopyStorm Job table record for this exception. |
ExceptionText__c | Long Text Area(32768) | The message included with the exception. |
Traceback__c | Long Text Area(32768) | The traceback included with the exception. |
Permission Set
The included permission set is required for the logging subsystem to function as it gives the assigned user Read, Create, Edit, Delete, View All, and Modify All permissions for the custom logging objects specified above as well as access to the CapStorm Lightning Application and CopyStorm Dashboard (along with the included starter/sample reports).
- Permission Set Name: CopyStorm Job Logging
- API Name: CapStorm_CopyStorm_Job_Logging