Command Line
CopyStorm provides a command line interface to enable CopyStorm to run under Windows Task Scheduler or CRON on Linux. Begin by creating a CopyStorm configuration file.
The following example Windows command line will run CopyStorm where:
- CopyStorm is installed in C:\CopyStorm.
- CopyStorm’s configuration file name is DemoCredentials.copyStorm.
- CopyStorm’s configuration file is located in C:\CopyStormDemo.
- The log file is redirected to a text document named C:\users\Mary\LogFile.txt.
- This is optional.
CopyStorm.bat -run ../CopyStormDemo/DemoCredentials.copyStorm >c:/users/Mary/LogFile.txt
A similar command line for Linux or Mac will look like:
sh -run ../CopyStormDemo/DemoCredentials.copyStorm >/home/mary/LogFile.txt
Command Line Reference
Switch | Parameter | Description |
-sftype | Sandbox | Production | sfdx |
Override the Salesforce instance type selected in the configuration file. |
-sfuser | Username | Override the Salesforce username in the configuration file. |
-sfpassword | Password | Override the Salesforce password in the configuration file. |
-sftoken | Security Token | Override the Salesforce security token in the configuration file. |
-dbconnection | Connection String | Override the database connection string in the configuration file. |
-dbuser | Username | Override the database username in the configuration file. |
-dbpassword | Password | Override the database password in the configuration file. |
-dbschema | Schema Name | Override (or set) the database schema value in the configuration file. |
-proxyHost | Host Name | Override the proxy server in the configuration file. Example: |
-proxyPort | Port Number | Override the port number used by the proxy server. |
-proxyUser | Username | Override the username used to authenticate with the proxy server. |
-proxyPassword | Password | Override the password used to authenticate with the proxy server. |
-config | Directory | Search this directory for XML configuration overrides. Configurations in this directory will override those in the “config” subdirectory in CopyStorm’s installation directory. |
-apiTraceFile | Filename | Record all messages to/from Salesforce in this file. Note that this will generate a very large file and is typically only useful when debugging problems with Salesforce. |
-debug | Write verbose debugging information, including SOQL statements sent to Salesforce, to stderr. | |
-modifiedSince | Set the of the Modified Since parameter, overriding any value in the configuration file. | |
-modifiedThru | Set the of the Modified Thru parameter, overriding any value in the configuration file. | |
-includedTables | Set list of tables to include in the backup, overriding any value in the configuration file. | |
-excludedTables | Set list of tables to exclude from the backup, overriding any value in the configuration file. | |
-forceTruncate | Truncate each table before it is backed up (creates a fresh copy of each table) |
CopyStorm Exit Codes
In command line mode CopyStorm returns these exit status codes:
- 0 = the run completed normally with no exceptions.
- 1 = the run completed but had one or more recoverable errors.
- 2 = the run may have completed but there are exceptions that need investigation.
- 2 = credential or license error — one of:
- Salesforce or database credentials are wrong.
- Your CopyStorm license has expired