CopyStorm 10.59.3

Release Date: 22.Aug.2024

This is a bug fix version release. As always, existing CopyStorm configuration files are backwards compatible.

Patch Levels

22.Aug.2024 Original Release

Release Highlights

CS:Govern Customers: CopyStorm and CS:Govern must stay on the same version. If CopyStorm is upgraded to version 10.59.3, CS:Govern must also be upgraded to version 1.59.3.

This release focuses on customer experience and bug fixes. Notable items include:

  • Reporting improvements – The “History” tab of CopyStorm is no longer impacted when a Salesforce session unexpectedly terminates. In prior releases, this would cause the counters to reset – The counters display of the number of Salesforce records read and copied. 
  • Salesforce related improvements & bug fixes – CopyStorm now automatically recovers from Salesforce session invalidation
  • Application Experience & Interface – Fix issue where the windows can “unmaximize” when switching between Standard, Advanced, and Developer options on the Configuration tab

Release Details

Reporting Improvements

  • UI Reporting – History Tab:  Fix for Job Statistics 
    • Fix issue where # Copied, # Read, and # Skipped are reset when CopyStorm encounters an invalid session exception from Salesforce
    • Fix issue where records are not marked as skipped when they should be. “Skipped” indicates that a record has been read, but is not copied because the record already exists in the backup. 
  • Headless Reporting: Fix for Job Statistics 
    • Fix issue where CopyStorm reports an incorrect # Copied, # Read, and # Skipped to STDOUT
  • Snapshot Reporting: Fix for Error Logging
    • Fix issue where CopyStorm only logs Snapshot errors to STDERR
  • Metadata Reporting: Exception Messaging Improvement
    • Improve messaging when Salesforce returns a Metadata Type with no name as CopyStorm dynamically discovers metadata types

Salesforce Related Improvements & Bug Fixes

  • Invalid Salesforce Session: Improvement with automatic reconnect logic
    • CopyStorm now attempts to revalidate invalid Salesforce Sessions. This error occurs when Salesforce logs out the user that is being used by CopyStorm in the middle of a CopyStorm job 
  • Rich Text Image Replication: Improvement with REST API
    • CopyStorm update to utilize the Salesforce Rich Text Image REST API for image extraction
  • Support for ALLROWS keyword: Performance boost
    • Introduces support for ALLROWS keyword for SOQL data extraction
  • Knowledge Replication: Fix for Archived records
    • Add replication support for __kav records where all versions of an article are in an ‘Archived’ state
  • Spring Daylight Savings: Bug Fix
    • Fix issue where records modified close to Spring Daylight Savings are missed by CopyStorm during replication
  • Files & Attachments: Bug Fix
    • Remove size limitations for Base64 (i.e. ContentVersion, Attachment) replication
  • Hierarchical Snapshots: Add Support for ContentDocument
    • Fix issue where CopyStorm Hierarchical Snapshots do not consider ContentDocumentLink relationships
  • Schema Upgrade: Fix Parsing Issue
    • Fix issue where certain default locales (UK English, Chinese, etc.) cause CopyStorm to be unable to perform schema upgrades

Application Experience & Interface 

  • Improve mouse scroll speed when selecting objects to copy
  • Strip extra whitespace in the Salesforce notifications recipients list
  • Fix Typo in “Test Email Deliverability” Dialog
  • Fix issue where the windows can “unmaximize” when changing configuration level 
  • Improve Built-In list of Excluded Salesforce objects
    • Add ExpressionSetView to the default blacklist
  • Hierarchical Snapshot Table Selector: Fix Rendering Issue
    • Resolve issue where the Table Selector dropdown is not rendered properly when configuring a Hierarchical Snapshot
  • Remove Duplicate Error Window 
    • Fix issue where multiple error windows are shown when Salesforce Credentials are invalid.

Environment & Database Updates

  • AWS EC2: Fix for Session Invalidation 
    • CopyStorm now utilizes EC2 Metadata Service to continuously retrieve & refresh AWS credentials as necessary
  • AWS Feature: Support for AWS Temporary Credentials Service (Non-EC2 Environment)
    • CopyStorm now leverages temporary AWS session credentials for networking requests, replacing the use of long-term credentials
  • S3: Fix for Upload Failures
    • Fix issue where S3 Uploads can fail when the upload is reset mid-stream
  • Redshift AWS EC2: Fix for Redshift “COPY” syntax
    • Resolve issue where CopyStorm used incorrect syntax for the RedShift COPY command when running under an EC2 Environment
  • Redshift: Fix for Long Table (Object) Names
    • Introduces CopyStorm/Redshift support for very long Salesforce table names – i.e. table names far longer than the Salesforce stated maximum. This update allows support for managed packages whose combined prefix, table name, and postfix are longer than 64 characters
  • Snowflake: Fix for Salesforce Reads being blocked
    • Fix issue where waiting on CSV Flushes to complete blocks Salesforce Reader
  • SQL Server Improvements:
    • Remove hard-coded schema name from internal upgrade .sql scripts.
    • Fix issue where DROP INDEX fails when a hyphen is present in the schema name
    • Automatically Regenerate SQL Server CS:Govern Triggers when governed object schema changes