CopyStorm/Restore 8.46.1

Release Date: 03-Jul-2019

This is a  major feature, bug fix, and Salesforce API version upgrade release. As always, existing CopyStorm/Restore configuration files are backwards compatible.

Patch Levels

03-Jul-2019 Original Release
09-Jul-2019 Fix problem with -sfhost command line option.
16-Jul-2019 Record a skipped reason when a record has not changed.
24-Jul-2019 Fix minor issue with the Cancel button on the Workflow selector.
14-Aug-2019 Report records skipped because of restore set Skip reference field rules. Add enhanced obfuscation upgrade.
16-Aug-2019 Our build process missed including a library is required by the notification system.

Upgrade to the Summer’19 Salesforce API

The Summer’19 API has been out for a few weeks and this release brings CopyStorm/Restore to the current API version.

Visual Record Filter Creation

CopyStorm/Restore now supports record selection via a drag-and-drop filter editor — for more details, see the documentation. With this update  nearly anyone should be able to build complex record selection or filtering logic without having to call in a SQL expert.

A filter can be used as an alternative to entering raw SQL when limiting record selection for:

  • Restoring a specific set of records from a table.
  • Restoring a random set of records from a table.
  • Specifying criteria for referenced records to be restored.

Automatic Management of Flows, Validation Rules, and Restricted Picklists

The disablement/enablement of flows, validation rules, and restricted picklists has a new setting which tells CopyStorm/Restore to manage the process automatically. When automatic management is enabled CopyStorm/Restore disables/enables these elements only if it is necessary based on the tables being restored. Of course, manual selection of elements works in conjunction with automatic mode.

Notes Support

A new Notes tab supports recording notes to be persisted with the CopyStorm/Restore configuration file. Multiple customers have asked for this feature so we added it!

Move Management of Triggers, Flows, etc. To A New Tab

The CopyStorm/Restore feature for disabling/enabling triggers, flows, etc. has been move to a new Advanced Tab. Your existing settings are preserved — just the editor has moved. We did this because the Global Parameters tab was a bit crowded on low resolution displays.

Reference Field Restore Behavior for Polymorphic Fields Can be Specified

If the title causes your eyes to glaze over, that is OK. What the update means in practice is that a restore can be driven entirely by a table, like Attachments, which contains polymorphic reference fields (e.g. a field that can point to many types of objects).  Now if you want to just restore a bunch of attachments, you can pick them and restore them like any other table. In previous CopyStorm/Restore versions tables containing polymorphic fields could only be restored as children of non-polymorphic tables.

Add Email Notification for Batch Jobs

When in batch mode, CopyStorm/Restore can be configured to send status related emails on success, failure, or both.

Add Command Line Options for Running A Metadata Restore in Batch mode

The new -restoreType metadata command line switch can be used to run a metadata restore in command line mode.

Support Making “Full” the Default Metadata Type Restore

A new option on the Global Parameters tab can be used to make the default mode for metadata restore be full rather than partial.

Support Non-Salesforce Reference and Id Values

In a Salesforce migration, it is often useful to create synthetic keys in the CopyStorm backup. This release fully supports and recognizes synthetic keys.

Content, Attachment, and Folder Restores Improved

There are many oddities and quirks in restoring attachments, content, and folders. This update refactors this subsystem in CopyStorm/Restore (no known issues at this point).

Metadata Version Patching

There are several cases where Salesforce has changed the format of a metadata packet (Profile is an example) in Summer’19. CopyStorm/Restore recognizes a backup of an older format object and dynamically converts it to the Summer’19 format.  Internally, we solved this by introducing a translation subsystem that can receive upgrades in the field.

Restore Activated Contracts and Orders

Activated Contracts and Orders cannot be directly restored (Salesforce API restriction). CopyStorm/Restore restores them in a draft state and activates them in a post-restore operation (automatically, of course).

Restore Attachments and Content for All Selected Tables

When looking at a polymorphic tables like Attachments, a new UI element appears to help adding the polymorphic table as related list to other tables in the restore set.

Upgrade the Exception Viewer to Organize By Table

The updated tracker database Exception Viewer dialog supports organization and list editing much like the Skipped Reasons dialog.

Detect and Report on Invalid Record Mapping Rules

If a migration mapping is detected as being invalid (either side does not map to a record id) an exception will be reported. Previously, invalid mapping rules were silently ignored.