Logging Tab

Parameters for controlling CopyStorm/Restore job logging and informational output.

Parameter Description
 SOQL Log File  If set to a writable file, CopyStorm/Restore will log each SOQL statement issued to Salesforce. Statements written to this file are in the format supported by Capstorm’s free SQLForce product.
 Truncate SOQL Log on Restore  If checked, CopyStorm/Restore will truncate the SOQL Log File at the start of each restore operation.
 Truncate Error Log on Restore  If checked, CopyStorm/Restore will truncate the restoration error log at the start of each restore operation.
 Enable Trace Mode  If checked, CopyStorm/Restore will log details about the restore process to stderr. This option is typically used when Capstorm is diagnosing a problem.