Fields to Restore Editor

The “Fields to Restore” editor determines which fields for each record will be restored to Salesforce.

  • By default all fields are selected.
  • If a field is not selected it will:
    • Be set to null for records inserted into Salesforce.
    • Be left unchanged for updated records.
  • Fields required for creating a new Salesforce record are marked as (required).
    • If any required fields are not checked then only update restore operations are permitted.

The editor contains filtering tools above a list of all available table fields. In the following screenshot the filter has been used to only show fields whose name contains the text “Billing”:

Other “Fields to Restore” options:

Parameter Description
Selected If checked, only selected fields will be displayed.
Invert When pressed, the field selection will be inverted. All selected fields will be deselected, and all non-selected fields will be selected.
Clear When pressed, all selected fields will be deselected.

Advanced Field Options

The “Field Obfuscation & Masking” button launches a dialog used to control how individual fields are restored.

The “Transformer” column indicates that a data transformation should be applied BEFORE data is written to Salesforce. In the example screenshot two columns have been assigned to tranformers. Available transformers include:

  • Asterisk
    • Converts a column to all **** before writing the field to Salesforce.
    • For example, “Rebecca” will become “*******”.
  • Email Scrambler
    • Randomizes email address fields before writing them to Salesforce.
    • For example, the email “” may become “”.
  • Email Append Invalid
    • Appends “.invalid” to email address fields before writing them to Salesforce.
    • For example, the email “” will become “”
  • Lorem Ipsum
    • Change a block of text to the infamous “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing…”
  • Random: Account Name / City Name / Country Name / Street Name / First Name / Last Name / Job Title
    • Converts a column to a value selected randomly from a dictionary.
    • The value will be selected from a built-in dictionary containing values for the indicated type (e.g. “Random: Account Name” will use a dictionary of Account Names).
  • Uniform: Account Name / City Name / Country Name / Street Name / First Name / Last Name / Job Title
    • Converts a column to a value selected non-randomly from a dictionary. The same input value will always provide the same output value.
    • The value will be selected from a built-in dictionary containing values for the indicated type (e.g. “Uniform: Account Name” will use a dictionary of Account Names).
  • Scramble
    • Converts each letter or digit to a random character of the same class before writing the field to Salesforce.
    • Supports all numerical fields including phone, integer, or double.
    • For example,
      • “Rebecca” may become “Kiojjkl”
      • “567-45-0987” may become “778-33-0997”
      • “+44 45 345 8876” may become “+62 33 123 9567”
  • Same Year Date/Time
    • Converts a date or date/time field to a random date or date/time within the same year.

If the built-in Transformers do not perform the action you need, CopyStorm/Restore supports adding new Transformers. Contact if you want to learn how this is done.

Other columns on this dialog provide read-only information about each column in the corresponding table.