CopyStorm/Restore 7.40.1

Release Date: 09-Sep-2017

This is Salesforce API update and a minor feature and bug fix release.

Support the Salesforce Summer’17 API

This is our annual Salesforce API upgrade to the latest Salesforce API.

Dynamically Migrate Custom Object Definitions

The format for picklists in Summer’17 changed from what was returned in earlier Salesforce API versions. CopyStorm/Restore automatically detects and converts older custom object definitions to the newest format. Note that this conversion happens on the fly and does not effect the content of the CopyStorm metadata backup.

Set Better Defaults for Tables Containing a BASE64 Column

When a table containing a BASE64 column type is added to a restore set its default batch size will be set to 1 and override the global default. We have found that this gives better performance and limit the amount of memory that otherwise would be taken restoring large attachments.

Upgrade the Tracker Database to the Latest Version of H2

The CopyStorm/Restore tracker database has always used H2. This version upgrade H2 to the latest version. The only change a user should see is improved performance.

Recover from SERVER_UNAVAILABLE Exceptions

The core multi-threaded loop that processes insert and update statements now silently recovers from a Salesforce SERVER_UNAVAILABLE exception. This exception can occur when Salesforce servers are too busy to process incoming requests.

Fix a Non-Fatal NPE Error in the Logging System

When running multiple backup threads it was possible for a non-fatal NPE problem to occur. The NPE did not effect the result of the backup but caused an unnecessary issue to examine. The problem is rare and will not occur every time CopyStorm runs because the core problem was unsynchronized access to a structure used by multiple threads.