CopyStorm/Restore 5.34.1
August 10, 2015
This release contains feature enhancements and bug fixes.
Upgrade to the Salesforce Summer’15 Protocol (version 34)
This release updates CopyStorm/Restore to use the current Salesforce API protocol. The primary change customers may see is support for restoring additional tables (tables introduced after the Summer’14 Salesforce protocol).
Fix a NPE Bug that Occurred when Switching Tabs
This is an obscure bug that occured when a new configuration file was loaded when the user was not on the main CopyStorm/Restore tab. The bug has not been reported by a customer but we found it during in-house testing.
Recognized and Categorize Dozens of New Summer’15 Tables
Salesforce has introduced many new tables since Summer’14 and CopyStorm/Restore was upgraded to categorize each table appropriately. Since Salesforce now includes over 500 system tables, this was quite a chore.