Logging Tab
Parameters for controlling CopyStorm/Restore job logging and informational output.

Parameter | Description |
SOQL Log File | If set to a writable file, CopyStorm/Restore will log each SOQL statement issued to Salesforce. Statements written to this file are in the format supported by Capstorm’s free SQLForce product. |
Truncate SOQL Log on Restore | If checked, CopyStorm/Restore will truncate the SOQL Log File at the start of each restore operation. |
Truncate Error Log on Restore | If checked, CopyStorm/Restore will truncate the restoration error log at the start of each restore operation. |
Enable Trace Mode | If checked, CopyStorm/Restore will log details about the restore process to stderr. This option is typically used when Capstorm is diagnosing a problem. |