How to Manage Table Groups

CopyStorm/Restore organizes tables into groups based on the probability of a table being directly selected for a restore. There are a number of groups predefined by CopyStorm/Restore:

Group Name Description
Common Tables that are typically used to drive a restore. A table is put into this group if it is added to the restore set and not also a member of another group.
Less Common Tables that are typically only restored because they are referenced by another table.
Uncommon Tables that are typically not restored. Many of these are restored automatically on a sandbox refresh.
Custom Contains all custom object tables (i.e. tables not created by Salesforce).
Package Contains custom objects from well-known 3rd party packages. Not all packages are known by CopyStorm/Restore — please contact to add a new one to the built-in group.
System Contains tables that are almost never restored. Most of these tables are restored automatically on a sandbox refresh.
Future Contains tables that are not currently available to be restored but will be in the future. Tables in this group tend to have obscure, non-standard restore rules.
Not Restorable Contains tables that cannot be restored using the Salesforce API.

It is possible to add tables to an existing group or to create additional groups by editing the file “SalesforceTableFamilies.xml” in the “config” subdirectory of the CopyStorm/Restore installation. The default file contains documentation detailing how to add new records.

Several sample entries are included below.

Add All Tables in the Package From GEOCACHE to the Package Group

All of the GEOCACHE custom tables begin with the prefix “geocache__” — this was determined by looking at the registered package prefix in Salesforce. The following XML will put all GEOCACHE tables into the Package group:

<SalesforceTableFamily name="Package">
    <Pattern rule="geocache__.*" />

Place All Tables From My Project Into a New Group Named “MyProject”

The following XML will create a new Group named “MyProject”, containing three tables:

<SalesforceTableFamily name="MyProject" >
    <Pattern rule="masterList__c" />
    <Pattern rule="masterSubList__c" />
    <Pattern rule="cookieJar__c" />