The CopyStormTaskLog table contains a record for each time a CopyStormTask has been executed. This table can be used to determine:
- The success or failure status of a task.
- The current state of a task — complete or running.
- The log file generated by the task.
Records in this table are created by the CopyStorm/JobRunner application.
The following table describes each field in the CopyStormTaskLog table:
Column Name | Data Type | Required | Description |
id | integer | Yes | Unique identifier assigned to this record by CopyStorm/Director. |
taskId | integer | Yes | The unique id of the CopyStormTask to which this log applies. |
jobId | integer | Yes | The unique id of the CopyStormJob which owns this log. |
jobType | varchar | Yes | The kind of task which ran. Supported values include:
startTime | datetime | Yes | The datetime at which this task was started. |
endTime | datetime | No | The datetime at which this task ended. If this value is null then the task is still running. |
processId | integer | No | The system process id of the task. CopyStorm/JobRunner uses this value to detect processes that have died without notification when a system is rebooted or the CopyStorm/JobRunner is terminated manually. |
errorFree | char | No | Indicates if the task was without errors (Y), failed (N), or is still running (null). |
logFile | clob | No | All stderr and stdout messages generated by the task. |
createdDate | datetime | Yes | The date on which this log record was created. |
lastModifiedDate | datetime | Yes | The date on which this log record was last modified. |