
The CopyStormJob table is the root descriptor for all tasks associated with a single Salesforce instance. It contains login credentials for a Salesforce instance and its corresponding CopyStorm backup database.

Note that both Salesforce and CopyStorm backup credentials are optional and will override any credentials specified in the corresponding CopyStorm configuration file. However, credentials stored in this table are useful when a common CopyStorm configuration file needs to be used for many different Salesforce and CopyStorm databases.

CopyStormDirector also defines a view, CopyStormJobView, which combines information in the CopyStormJob table with the most recently executed task (and its status).

The following table describes each field in the CopyStormJob table:

Column Name Data Type Required Description
id integer Yes Unique identifier assigned to the job by CopyStorm/Director. This value may be used to refer to the job using the CopyStorm/JobRunner application.
name varchar Yes Unique, human-readable name assigned by a user to this job.
sfInstanceType varchar Yes Indicates whether the target Salesforce is a Production, Sandbox, or DatabaseDotCom instance.
sfUsername varchar No An optional username that will be used to login to Salesforce.
sfPassword varchar No An optional password that will be used to login to Salesforce.
sfLoginHost varchar No Used to override the Salesforce host used to process login requests.
dbType varchar Yes The target CopyStorm database type.
dbUsername varchar No An optional username that will be used to login to the CopyStorm database.
dbPassword varchar No An optional password that will be used to login to the CopyStorm database.
dbConnectionString varchar No An optional JDBC connection string that will be used to connect to the CopyStorm database.
active char Yes Indicates if tasks defined for the job should be considered for execution. Possible values are “Y” and “N”.
deleted char Yes Indicates if the user has deleted the job from CopyStorm/Director. Possible values are “Y” and “N”. Jobs in this state can be undeleted.
description varchar No A block of text describing the purpose of the job.
createdDate datetime Yes The date on which the job was created.
lastModifiedDate datetime Yes The date on which the job was last modified.