
The CopyStormGlobalConfig table contains information required to launch CopyStorm and CopyStorm/Medic tasks.

The following table describes each field in the CopyStormGlobalConfig table:

Column Name Data Type Required Description
version varchar Yes Used by CopyStorm/Director to determine the version of the database schema installed.
configDir varchar Yes The name of a directory containing CopyStorm and CopyStorm/Medic configuration files accessible to CopyStorm/Director.
copyStormDir varchar Yes The name of a directory which contains a CopyStorm installation.
copyStormMedicDir varchar Yes The name of a directory which contains a CopyStorm/Medic installation.
defaultCopyStormConfig varchar Yes The name of the CopyStorm configuration to use by default.
defaultCSMedicConfig varchar Yes The name of the CopyStorm/Medic configuration to use by default.
defaultDatabaseType varchar Yes The type of CopyStorm database to use by default (e.g. sqlserver).