Database Management

The CapStorm database management sub-system supports the creation of databases for use with CapStorm applications. Common use cases include:

  • CopyStorm database to store a Salesforce backup.
  • CopyStorm/Restore tracker database, which contains information about records that can or will be restored.

To create a new database, click the Create Database button in the top right of the page. This will open a small panel that allows input for information about the database. An example of this window can be seen below:

The following input parameters are used to create the new database:

  • Name: The name of the database to create
  • Usage: How the database will be used for CapStorm applications
    • CopyStorm: Stores SFDC data in tables
    • CopyStorm/Restore Tracker: The backing database for restore processing used to track state of upserted records
  • Description: A description about the database being created
  • Prevent Deletion: Checking this box means that the created database cannot be deleted