View Table Rules

The View Table Rules tab displays all CS:Govern fields organized in a table with one line per table. For each table in the list a user can:

  • Double click on a table to launch a dialog of information about the table.
  • Right click on a table to launch a context menu with operations such as:
    • Reinstall Protection — upgrade the CS:Govern protection rules (even if the code thinks this is unnecessary).
    • Install Protection — apply CS:Govern rules to just the selected table.
    • Remove Protection — remove CS:Govern protection for all fields in the table.
    • View Details — show CS:Govern details about the table. The same details can be displayed using a double-click.

Of course, pending CS:Govern changes can also be Saved & Protected, or Undone using the standard buttons are the bottom of the tab.

Double-clicking on a table will show a dialog with details about a table and its protection.

Name Description
Salesforce Table Name of the Salesforce table. This may be different than the CopyStorm database table name.
Deployed Yes if the database protection code has been deployed to the database. No if there are changes pending deployment.
Storage Table Name of the database table used to store encrypted field values.
Decryption Function Name of the function which can decrypt field values. Of course,  it will decrypt a field only if the current database user has permission to see a field. Note: This function should made executable for all users.
Insert Trigger Name of the CS:Govern created insert trigger on the CopyStorm table. This trigger is foundational to how CS:Govern enforces transparent encryption. Note: Often the Insert and Update trigger are the same.
Update Trigger Name of the CS:Govern created update trigger on the CopyStorm table.
Delete Trigger Name of the CS:Govern created delete trigger on the CopyStorm table. When a record is deleted by CopyStorm the trigger automatically deletes the corresponding encrypted data for the record.
Truncate Trigger If a database supports triggers on TRUNCATE operations, CS:Govern will install a trigger on a CopyStorm table to mimic  truncate operation. Most database do not support this type of trigger.
Insert Function Some databases require the code for a trigger to be separate from a trigger declaration (PostgresSQL for example). When required, this is the function invoked by the insert trigger.
Update Function Some databases require the code for a trigger to be separate from a trigger declaration (PostgresSQL for example). When required, this is the function invoked by the update trigger.
Delete Function Some databases require the code for a trigger to be separate from a trigger declaration (PostgresSQL for example). When required, this is the function invoked by the deletetrigger.
Truncate Function Some databases require the code for a trigger to be separate from a trigger declaration (PostgresSQL for example). When required, this is the function invoked by the truncate trigger.

The lower part of the dialog lists each field protected in the table. The following table lists each field property displayed.

Name Description
Id Internal unique CS:Govern id for a field.
Field Salesforce API name for a field.
Guardian Masking Rule Rule for showing field data to a person without permission to see the unencrypted value.
Compliance Category Semi-colon separated list of compliance categories assigned to the field.
Deployed Yes if the field is protected. No if there are pending changes to be deployed for the field.