How Does CS:Govern Work With CopyStorm

Simply put, CopyStorm retains the exact same functionality with CS:Govern as it does without.  With this being said, there are some key facts that must be understood regarding the Encryption of the data.

    1. Encryption occurs whenever a job is run
      • If it is a full load, then all fields as defined by CS:Govern will be encrypted from the beginning of time
      • If it is an incremental load, only records that CopyStorm deems to relevant to the appropriate time frame will be encrypted (Encryption Rules defined by CS:Govern)
    2. It is not necessary to do a full SalesForce backup with CopyStorm when a new rule is developed within CS:Govern.
      • CS:Govern encrypts all appropriate records (defined in Edit Rules Tab) utilizing the CS:Govern Custodian job