Main Tab
The Main Tab is used to manage connection information and credentials for Salesforce and the target CopyStorm database.
It is a requirement that a CopyStorm database exist prior to running CS:Govern. If that is not the case then, upon switching tabs, CS:Govern will present the user with an error prompt and will then gracefully exit. Note that the CopyStorm database does not have to have data. The minimal requirement is that the Salesforce object tables, along with a handful of CopyStorm metadata tables exist. There are two strategies to consider here:
- Strategy 1: Execute CopyStorm with the “Schema Only” option set such that the Salesforce object tables will be created in the CopyStorm database, but no data will be copied. Then CS:Govern can be used to add field encryption rules to the data that will eventually be copied down from Salesforce upon subsequent executions of CopyStorm.
- Strategy 2: Execute CopyStorm with the “Schema Only” option unchecked such that the Salesforce object tables will be created in the CopyStorm database, AND data will be copied as well. Then CS:Govern can be used to add field encryption rules to that data, and the generated Custodians can be run to encrypt the data according to the CS:Govern rules that were created.
Regardless of the path taken, in either case a CopyStorm database will be present with the Salesforce object tables and the CopyStorm metadata tables. These are the necessary and sufficient tables required to successfully use CS:Govern.

The Database option specifies the type of database where CS:Govern rules will be installed. If CS:Govern is not installed in the target directory, CS:Govern will automatically install itself on first database connection.
Salesforce and Database Connection Parameters
CS:Govern connection parameters are identical to what is used for other CapStorm products. For details see the instructions for CopyStorm.
Save Credentials to a File
Though not required, you may save CS:Govern credential information to a file using the File/Save option.