CS:Govern 1.56.3
Release Date: 12-Jan-2024
This is a minor feature and bug fix release. As always, existing CS:Govern configuration files are backwards compatible.
Patch Levels
12-Jan-2024 | Original Release |
Revamp “Detect Sensitive Fields” Logic
The “Detect Sensitive Fields” logic has been updated to identify Salesforce fields that do not have an assigned compliance category.
Fields will be identified if they are in the CopyStorm database and any of the following are true:
- The field is Shield-Encrypted.
- The field is of type “Encrypted String”.
- The field has an assigned Compliance Group.
- The field has an assigned Security Classification.
Fields will be placed into the Compliance Group assigned in Salesforce, if that Compliance Group is also present in CS:Govern. If the Salesforce Compliance Group is not present in CS:Govern, then the “Public” Compliance Group will be assigned.
Resolve UI Caching Issue
Resolve an issue that could cause CS:Govern configurations to be retained when the target CopyStorm database is changed.